How Are Commercial Kitchens Designed With Safety In Mind

Whether it is in a hotel, restaurant, or any similar setting, expect a typical commercial kitchen to be busy and hectic. With that in mind, safety should always be a top priority when designing one to ensure efficiency. Guardian Garage Floors, the top garage floor experts, discuss how non-slip flooring and well-planned layouts are integral components of a commercial kitchen designed with safety in mind.

How Are Commercial Kitchens Designed With Safety in Mind?

Layout And Spacing

A well-planned layout, which involves proper spacing and placement of equipment, are essential for designing a safe commercial kitchen. Separating cooking and preparation areas helps prevent cross-contamination and keep different jobs organized. Adequate ventilation is necessary for removing smoke, fumes, and excess heat.

Equipment And Appliances

Proper installation and regular maintenance of different commercial-grade kitchen appliances and equipment promote a safe and secure environment. Safe storage of knives and other sharp tools reduces the risk of cuts and further damage.


Commercial kitchens often opt for non-slip surfaces to reduce the risk of slips and accidents. Garage floor coatings, particularly polyaspartic coatings, can also be used in kitchens to provide added durability and safety. Proper drainage, meanwhile, is essential to prevent water buildup and mold growth. Both features are vital to further improve safety inside commercial kitchens.

Fire Safety

Fire safety is a must-have in commercial kitchen design. Fire suppression systems, regular safety inspections, and extinguishers to reduce the risk of a fire breaking out. Proper storage and handling of flammable materials are also necessary.

Employee Training And Procedures

Regular safety training and established safety procedures are essential for maintaining a secure kitchen environment and fostering a workplace safety culture encourages everyone to prioritize the well-being of their colleagues and customers.

Get In Touch With Us Today!

Turn to Guardian Garage Floors for high-quality flooring solutions. Our polyaspartic coatings for residential garage floors can also be used for commercial applications, including kitchens in hotels and restaurants. Combining lasting beauty with top-notch durability, our flooring systems are five times stronger than other off-the-shelf coating systems, and that the materials we use won’t stain or need resurfacing. Give us a call at (615) 645-3696, or reach us online to learn more or get a quote.

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