It is normal for floor coatings to deteriorate over time. But if your floors have started looking foggy or scratched too soon, you might want to pinpoint the reason for this premature coating failure. This way, you can address the issue and avoid further problems.

Guardian Garage Floors, a trusted provider of one day garage floors services, discusses why some floor coatings fail and what you can do to fix or prevent it.


Oftentimes, the reason for a premature coating failure is human error. There are contractors out there who tend to cut corners; they want to get the job done quickly so that they can meet the demands of their client’s schedule and their own. This then results in bad decisions such as:

  • Applying coatings under inappropriate weather conditions
  • Applying a new layer of coating over a base layer that has not properly cured yet
  • Applying mismatched coatings
  • Using the wrong ratio for mixing coatings


These bad application practices can make garage floors dull. So if you notice that your newly coated floor has gone bad quickly, you might want to have the coating redone by a reliable professional.

Ensure that the contractor you are hiring for the job is skilled and trustworthy. They should be able to make the right decisions based on your needs and not on what’s simply convenient, quick, and easy. After all, working with an unscrupulous company will only have you wasting your time and money.

Guardian Garage Floors is a reputable company specializing in garage floors residential as well as commercial kitchen and bathroom floors. We are licensed, bonded, and insured, so you can rest assured that your project will be in good hands. Call us at (404) 334-2797 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Marietta, GA.

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