Ways to Prevent Warehouse Slips and Falls During Winter

During winter, you may find snow and ice on your warehouse floor. Slippery floors can be a safety hazard in warehouses, especially if your staff works side-by-side with heavy machinery and heavy loads. For this reason, every floor in your workplace should be in a clean and dry condition.  

Ways to Prevent Warehouse Slips and Falls During Winter

To ensure the safety of your employees, as well as yourself, you should take extra precautions with the cold weather. Guardian Garage Floors, known for quality garage floor coatings, shares helpful tips to avoid slips and falls during wintertime. 

Clear Snow on Walkways 

The winter season brings plenty of snow and ice, which makes walkways slippery and dangerous to traverse. To reduce the possibilities of injuries, be sure to plow the snow in the parking lots and on walkways. It’s also a smart idea to have salt on hand to melt away ice that has formed and prevent ice from forming again. Pay attention to caution signs on any areas that may be more slippery as well. 

Apply Slip-resistant Coating

In winter, slip-resistant floors are more important than ever. Instead of applying garage floor epoxy coating on your warehouse floors, you might want to consider polyaspartic floor coating. Due to the vinyl paint flakes, polyaspartic coating is textured, making it a slip-resistant floor coating. In addition, this floor coating is made to grip when dry. For extra resistance, some floor coating companies recommend adding silica sand or traction additives to the topcoat. 

Keep Floors Dry at All Times

No thanks to the snow and ice outside, warehouse floors can get very slippery when wet. One way to prevent this is by setting up floor mats right outside the warehouse entrance. Before entering the work area, your employees can dry off their shoes and reduce the amount of water buildup. When you do see a wet floor, have it cleaned as soon as possible to avoid accidents. 

By following these floor maintenance, you can keep your workplace as secure and effective as ever. For more inquiries about your flooring needs, turn to Guardian Garage Floors. We offer many services, including garage floor finishes and more. Call us today at (615) 645-3696 or fill out our contact form to set an appointment.

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