
How to Remove Concrete Stains

Stains unfortunately happen even on concrete garage flooring, sometimes due to accidents and other times neglect. But don’t worry because you can still get rid of these splotches. The treatment just varies depending on the culprit. Guardian Garage Floors lists some common concrete stains and shares tips on how you can remove them. Oil Stains Oil spills can create unattractive stains 

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Common Mistakes To Avoid When Repairing Concrete Floors

If there are concrete cracks in your basement, garage or porch, it is crucial that you perform appropriate and timely repairs to prevent more costly problems. In this post, our garage floors experts at Guardian Garage Floors reveal some of the most common mistakes to avoid when repairing concrete floors.   ——————————————– CONTINUE READING ——————————————– Using repair methods that do 

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